Baseball Certificate Maker

Select Template

Change The Ribbon

 Add A Photo / Logo / Signature

You can add a logo, a photo, or any other image to your certificate.

You can upload any image or add an image from the gallery.

You can either type the signature or upload it.

To Type:

Double click on “Type Name” and type the signature.

Upload a Signature:

Preschool Graduation Certificate

Select Template

Change Ribbon and Background / Add Clipart

Add Image / Logo / Signature

You can add a logo or any other image to your certificate.

You can upload any image or add an image from the gallery.

You can either type the signature or upload it.

To Type:

Double click on “Type Name” and type the signature.

Upload a Signature:

Add / Edit Text

template 1236

[elementor-template id=”1651″]

Select Template

Change Ribbon and Background

(Load will open saved certificates)

Add / Edit Text

 Add Image / Logo / Signature

You can add a logo or any other image to your certificate.

You can upload any image or add an image from the gallery.

You can either type the signature, draw it or upload it.

To Type:

Double click on “Type Name” and type the signature.

Upload a Signature:

Draw a Signature:

Draw your signature in the top left corner and then click on “add”.